R-ENTRR-SCRNMENUEXITAWINDO Press F1 , then ENTER , for Answer Window Press ENTER to continue. Press ENTER to return to DOS. MENUREV A> by typing MENUREV at the prompt, thus: (including the music) you may bypass the initialization ceremonies NOTE: When re-entering REVELATION TUTORIAL END OF SESSION of evil from human existence.
b. Yes, the fall of Babylon represents the final elimination
contrary to the spirit of love inculcated by Jesus.
a. No, such glee over the suffering of others is totally the collapse of Babylon, with all the suffering and woe involved? 4. Does it seem right that people in heaven should be so ecstatic about
b. Hallelujah!
a. Woe, woe! 3.
19:1-10. What word begins most of these paeans of praise? d. terrified at the doom of this city of power c. rejoice for the judgment of God b. mourn for such great wealth brought to ruin a. weep for all who had ships on the sea
Saints and apostles and prophets
Sea captains, sailors, fishermen
Merchants of the earth
Kings of the earth 2. How people respond to the fall of Babylon (18:9-20)Screen # 9/9 d. my people c. avoid sin, escape punishment b. come out of her a. give back as she has given
Principle governing punishment.
Motivation for this action.
Action which this group must take.
Group to whom this summons is addressed.
MATCH. 1. The summons to abandon Babylon (18:4-8) Revelation 18:1 - 19:10
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and via some future calamity for the church (see 11:3-12).
however, that this victory comes hard, via the cross for Jesus,
in this war the gospel will overcome. We need to be reminded,
purpose and plan of God himself. Revelation 17 predicts that
that of Christ and the gospel, since Christ incarnates the
The godless orientation of humanity inevitably conflicts with
as our own gods, rather than as images of God.
to voluntary submission to God. We have tried to function
by persistent human effort at self-determination as opposed
As with Adam and Eve, human history has been characterized
c. Kings of earth make war against the Lamb.
b. The great red dragon is cast out of heaven.
a. One-third of the earth is destroyed. 4. What other major action is predicted in 17:12-14?Screen # 7/9
end of this age when God's purposes shall have been fulfilled.
and the self-destruction of godlessness will coincide at the
We may well conclude that the victory of the Lamb
hating the prostitute and bringing her to ruin.
in Revelation 17 as the beast and the ten horns
This internal dissension and discordance is visualized
since it opposes the very structure of God's creation.
Godlessness is inherently self-contradictory and self-destructive,
c. Destroyed by the beast
b. Internal disharmony, rebellion, mutiny
a. Conquered by the lamb 3. In what way will the great prostitute be overthrown? (17:15-18)Screen # 6/9
c. All political power in general.
b. All ungodly political power.
a. Rome, situated on seven hills and ruling many nations. What does the great prostitute probably represent? 2. In chapter 17, compare verses 1, 3, 9, 15, and 18.
c. The kings of earth in battle against the Lamb.
b. The punishment of the great prostitute.
a. A great red beast arising out of the sea. 1. What action does the angel of the bowls tell John to expect to see? of which chapters 17 and 18 are expansions. The last paragraph of chapter 16 is a summary Revelation 17
Screen # 5/9 c. Megiddo f. dragon, seabeast, earthbeast i. John b. Jerusalem e. thunder, lightning, earthquake h. Jesus a. Babylon d. seals, trumpets, bowls g. God
people cursed.
The person whom the unrepentant, rebellious, stubborn
of destruction to Babylon.
In this account, the person who delivers the final blow
of the great city.
These non-military weapons are utilized in the destruction
actually destroyed.
Though the battle occurs at Armageddon, this city is 2.
c. Evil is about to gain a great victory over humanity.
b. The process of history is being brought to completion.
a. The seven dwarfs have completed their porridge. 1. From the fact that this is bowl number seven, what would you expect? Revelation 16:17-21
THE SEVENTH BOWL: The Great City Destroyed
Screen # 4/9
mankind as a whole to decide on which side to stand.
these spiritual forces will meet in final conflict, requiring
The book of Revelation is suggesting that a time is coming when
righteousness and sin, Christ and Satan.
means the ultimate showdown between truth and error,
In the book of Revelation the battle of Armageddon
the perennial conflict between good and evil.
Both symbolic, Euphrates and Armageddon symbolize
Enter e or a .
d. Symbolic of conflict between God's people and God's enemies.
c. Symbolic of origin of powers of evil.
b. Boundary line of ancient Assyria, Babylonia.
a. Site of many historic battles in Canaan.
(16:12-16) EUPHRATES/ARMAGEDDON 3. Show whether the statements describe Euphrates or Armageddon.Screen # 3/9 Enter a letter. d. Near the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
c. Near the southeastern foot of Mt. Carmel.
b. Near the source of the Upper Nile.
a. Near the southern tip of the Dead Sea. 2. Where is Megiddo? (Armageddon = Hill of Megiddo) Enter y or n .
c. Romans
f. Moabites
b. Egyptians
e. Persians
a. Assyrians
d. Babylonians
on the other side (north and east) of the Euphrates River. 1. Of the following, select the ancient Israelite enemies who lived Revelation 16:12-16
THE SIXTH BOWL: Euphrates and Armageddon
Screen # 2/9 Enter letters.
7 (air) g. Sores on people with mark of beast.
6 (Euphrates) f. Severe earthquake, cities collapsed.
5 (throne of beast) e. Rivers turned to blood.
4 (sun) d. Kings assemble at Armageddon.
3 (rivers, springs) c. People seared by intense heat.
2 (sea) b. In agony, men cursed God.
1 (land) a. Everything in sea died.
MATCH. 1. Show the results of the pouring of the bowls. of the forces of evil in human life and history. The seven bowls describe God's final disposition The seventh Trumpet of Judgment produces seven Bowls of Wrath. Revelation 16
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